Laser wart removal

What are warts?

Warts are an unattractive, undesirable skin condition that can affect people of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds. Medically, warts are referred to as cutaneous warts, which start developing when the skin becomes exposed to the human papillomavirus (HPV). Common warts are an infection in the superficial layers of the skin. They can become problematic after being exposed to the HPV bacteria which rapidly grows and builds a foundation within the layers of the skin, eventually building the wart. Warts are viral infections and are highly contagious, they can be easily transmitted without direct contact.
How does laser wart removal work?
We utilize Fotona’s patented laser technology uses stron laser power to ablate and dissolve the blood supply to the wart to incapacitate the wart from the root. Fotona Nd:YAG induces the coagulation of the blood vessels that supply the blood to the wart, causing subsequent necrosis. The laser penetrates deep into the skin to kill the calloused tissue, eventually leading to the death of the wart from the inside to the surface of the skin.

What will it feel like?

The first part of the treatment will feel like a sharp pinch of heat (coagulation of blood vessels).
The second step if required will be performed by the Eribium Er:YAG. This laser emits laser beams layer by layer to precisely ablate the tissue to remove the entire wart without causing substantial injury to any surrounding tissue.

How many treatments are required?
Most patients will see a significant improvement after a single session. However, each case will vary and some individuals will need a second session for optimal results

Are all warts treatable?

Warts come in many forms, sizes and shapes. Attached is a break down of the most common types of warts that are treatable with the new innovative Fotona wart removal laser system:
Periungual Warts: These are clusters of warts that develop around fingernail or toenails. Periungual warts can affect the appearance of the nails by making them appear thickened and disfigured. They can lead to loss of the cuticle and paronychia (bacteria/fungal disease).
Verruca Filiformis/Filiformis Warts:These warts are composed of a single or many elongated papillae. These warts can appear commonly on thin skin like the face and neck.
Verruca Vulgaris:These are common warts that are keratotic lesions caused by infection by a variety of DNA subtypes and HPV. This type of wart commonly effects the nails on the hands and feet.

Subungual Warts: Another form of the HPV wart, subungual warts can develop on various areas of the body. These viruses are easily contracted with broken skin that allows for easy transmission. These warts can damage the nail bed if left untreated.
Planter warts: These common warts effect the heels or balls of the feet. They are hard and grainy in texture. The pressure from walking on the feet may cause further deepening of the wart underneath a callous (hardened skin). Planter warts are also caused by HPV.
